English National Opera brings fusion of opera, film and animation to Peterborough primary school classroom

Pupils from Thorpe Primary School part of Peterborough Keys Academies Trust (PKAT) have taken part in an incredible project with the English National Opera.
The project, called 'Finish This', is a music-making programme for schools nationwide. The English National Opera describes it as 'bringing a fusion of opera, film and animation into the classroom'. (See link to music in editor’s notes).
The children accepted the challenge to step into the role of an English National Opera composer and create their own colour world using music, text and sounds, to complete the end of an opera.
Mrs Megan Lawson Year 3 class teacher and music coordinator said: “This was a fantastic project to be involved in and the guidance from English National Opera was professional. The children were excited right from the start and it was super to see them working together to compose a piece of music. They were delighted by the personal feedback about their piece from English National Opera and loved listening to their composition on the English National Opera website as well as sharing it with their families.”
Through this collaborative composition, the English National Opera hope that children will develop listening and composition skills, learn how to interpret music, record music, and experiment with telling stories through music, using voice, body and instruments, increase self-confidence and creativity and be supported to express themselves and work as an ensemble to create a new music piece, bringing a sense of achievement and pride in their work.
Year 3 are delighted that their music is now on the English National Opera 'Finish This' website for all to hear!
Mahrosh said: “I like how we got to listen to the music that English National Opera made. I like how we needed to make a piece of music and listened to all our pieces together.”
“The best thing was creating our own piece” said Khadijah.