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Thorpe Primary School Academy Committee


Name Type / Appointing body Term of Office Start / End Dates Roles / Positions Business / Pecuniary Interests

Attendance at Meetings


Sonia Ahmed PKAT Appointed 4 years 13/12/2023- 12/12/2027   TBC 0 of 0

Anne Clayton

PKAT Appointed

4 years



EYFS Governor



Volunteer for Witness Support for Crown

and Magistrates Courts in Peterborough

Son employed by Ark ICT Solutions 

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Manoj Subudhi

PKAT Appointed

4 years


Curriculum Governor

Phonics Governor

Writing Governor 

Employed by Tata Consultancy Services

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Kathryn Bothwell

Staff Governor

4 years

13/01/2022 -12/01/2026


Employed as teaching member of staff

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Gulfraz Umar Ijaz Parent Governor  4 years  07/11/2022 - 06/11/2026  Safeguarding Governor

Employed by Peterborough City Council as a Children's Social Care Practitioner

Member of the school PTA

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Samia Kenley

Parent Governor 


4 years  07/11/2022 - 06/11/2026

SEN Governor

Marketing Governor 

None 4 of 5
Governors who left during 2022-23 and since:

Joanne Fillmore

PKAT Appointed


4 years


Vice Chair

Sports Premium Governor

Phonics Governor

Writing Governor


Employed to work in the school

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Colin Hammond

PKAT Appointed

4 years


Pupil Premium Governor

Behaviour and Ethos Governor 

Employed by Santander UK Plc, Trustee and Director of PKAT

Director of PKAT Trading 

Governor at Nova Primary Academy

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Tracey Cheung

PKAT Appointed

4 years


Wellbeing and Staff Welfare Governor 


Member of CIPD

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Trevor Pearce

PKAT Appointed

4 years




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Seetal Swan

 PKAT Appointed


4 years


Joint Safeguarding Governor

Employed by Peterborough Environment City Trust 

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