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Richard Astle

Current role in or relationship with the school
  • Local business owner
Governor, educational and school leadership experience
  • Marketing and PR support for four multi-academy trusts across Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire.
Professional experience
  • British diplomat 1988-97
  • Director of Corporate Affairs, Pearl Assurance, 1997-2003
  • Owner/MD Athene Communications 2003-present
Professional and education qualifications
  • BA Hons Modern History Oxford University, 1983-86
  • Member Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Community involvement
  • Chair Natural Cambridgeshire, 2015-present
  • Chair, Shine, national charity for spina bifida and hydrocephalus – 2003-16
  • Co-ordinator, Langdyke Countryside Trust
  • Trustee, Vivacity, Culture and Leisure Trust 2011-15
Skills and expertise in relation to school governance
  • Strategic planning
  • Change management
  • Communications
  • Community engagement
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Parent engagement



Governor, educational and school leadership experience
  • Jack Hunt School- Former Headteacher (retired)
  • Folksworth C of E Primary School- LA Governor since 2013. Experience as Chair of Governors, Chair of HT Appraisal Panel, Member of Curriculum and Achievement and Finance, Premises and Personnel Committees. Member of governor working group in process of establishing a hard federation with another school.
Professional experience
  • 37 years experience in secondary education, 20 at senior leader level including  Headteacher.
  • Experience in curriculum and learning,  school improvement,  personnel, resources, budgets, managing change, training, governance, PFI, community relations, Ofsted.
Professional and education qualifications
  • BEd (Hons). MA. NPQH
  • Completed NCSL course for Chairs of Governors and a range of courses related to school governance including Safer Recruitment.
Community involvement
  • LA governor at local primary school
  • Member of local Twinning Committee.
Skills and expertise in relation to school governance
  • School improvement
  • School inspection and monitoring
  • SEN
  • Finance
  • HR & personnel
  • Premises & Capital projects
  • Strategic planning
  • Data analysis
  • Compliance
  • Change management
  • Communications
  • Community engagement
  • Pupil voice
  • Pastoral support
  • Extended services
  • Marketing
  • Parent engagement



Current role
  • Chair of the Board of Trustees for Peterborough Keys Academies Trust
Current role on LGB of a PKAT school
  • None
Governor, educational and school leadership experience
  • Ravensthorpe Primary School
  • Governor from September 2013 until April 2018
  • Chair of Finance and resources committee from 2014 until 2018
  • Link Governor for gifted and able
  • Part of Headteacher Performance Management Review
  • Completed LA Governors Services courses Level 1 and 2.
  • Completed Safer Recruitment course
Professional experience
  • Chief Executive and Board Member of Cross Keys Homes, the largest social housing provider in Peterborough. 400 employees annual turnover £80m 12,000 properties in and around Peterborough.
  • 25 years director level experience.
  • 30 years’ experience within the social housing world supporting disadvantaged and excluded communities to improve their life chances
Professional and education qualifications
  • BSc Hons Mathematics
  • Member of Chartered Institute of Housing (MCIOH)
Community involvement
  • Chair of the Safer Peterborough Partnership
  • Chair of Peterborough children and families commissioning board
  • Member of the Peterborough Health and Wellbeing Board
  • Vice Chair of City College Peterborough
  • Board member of Placeshapers Ltd
  • Skills and expertise in relation to school governance
Skills and expertise in relation to school governance
  • School inspection and monitoring
  • Finance
  • HR & personnel
  • Premises & Capital projects
  • Strategic planning
  • Data analysis
  • Compliance
  • Business and corporate management
  • Legal
  • Change management
  • Communications
  • Community engagement
  • Social and community care 




Current role in or relationship with the school
  • Educational Pilot Scheme at Jack Hunt – Access to Work for pre A Level Students
Governor, educational and school leadership experience
  • Governor St Mary’s School, Cambridge 2006-2008
Professional experience
  • 1982-1991 International Cultural Travel Market working in Europe and USA  – tour manager, tour programme developer
  • 1989 – 2005 Serial small business entrepreneur set up and successfully developed an international business for 2 small fine art businesses at the top end of the market art
    • Born to Spend -custom made fine costume jewellery
    • Chelsea Enamels – bespoke enamel box maker – over 30 years experience at the top end of the market of bespoke enamel box market,
  • 2005-2010 Mallett of Bond Street (MadebyMeta)
    • Project managed a team of experts and craftsmen and brought to the market a world renowned, ground breaking and bench mark collection of bespoke fine objects
  • 2009-2011 –Christies Fine Art Course, London – Part time Lecturer Contemporary Art Course
Professional and education qualifications
  • BA(Hons) Politics and French
Community involvement
  • Trustee
    • East Anglian Air Ambulance & Chair of the Patron’s Circle,  Trustee responsible for Trading Company
    • Wisbech Museum,
    • Shrievalty Trust
    • Swafham Prior Community Land Trust
    • Riding for the Disabled (Cambridge Group)
  • Member
    • Council of St Etheldreda, Ely Cathedral,
    • Elizabeth Finn Trust and Turn2Us, past chairman and member of local committee
    • Newmarket Racing Museum, Fund Raising Committee
    • Papworth Trust, Patron’s Circle Committee
    • Member of village Church Flower Group
  • Skills and expertise in relation to school governance
  • Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing