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Jack Hunt School Academy Committee

GOVERNOR DETAILS – Jack Hunt School Academy Committee

Name Type / Appointing body Term of Office Start / End Dates Roles / Positions Business / Pecuniary Interests / other Governance Roles

Attendance at Meetings

in 2022-23

Shahid Akhtar PKAT Appointed 4 years 05.09.2023 to 04.09.2027 Safeguarding Governor None 0 of 0
Kayode Atoyebi PKAT Appointed 4 years 05.01.2024 to 04.01.2028 SEND Governor  None 0 of 0
Runwage (Sylvester) Chihuri   PKAT Appointed 4 years 18/07/2024 to 17/07/2028   TBC 0 of 0

Shelagh Crossley

PKAT Appointed

4 years

02.03.2024 to 31.08.2024



Employed as Invigilator at Jack Hunt School 

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Nighat Hussain Parent (elected) 4 years




Careers Governor


0 of 0

Matthew Mecham


PKAT Appointed

4 years

03.04.24 to


Careers Governor 

Contracted to work on the Tapestry Online Journal app used by schools

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Evelyn Oppong PKAT Appointed 4 years 17.06.2024 to 16.06.2028   TBC 0 of 0
Gulfraz Umar Ijaz PKAT Appointed 4 years 17.07.2023 to 16.07.2027  


0 of 0
Neal Wilmore Staff (elected) 4 years 06.06.2024 to 05.06.2028   Employee of PKAT 0 of 0

Leavers in previous academic year

Table Heading Table Heading          
Hannah Brewster  PKAT Appointed 4 years 17.07.2023 to 11.09.2023   Careers and Employability Coach at Niyo Bootcamps who are currently funded by the WMCA (West Midlands Combined Authority) 0 of 0
Simon Banbury PKAT Appointed 4 years 01.09.2022 to 19.07.2023

Vice Chair 

Behaviour Link Governor 

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Claire Banks

PKAT Appointed

4 years

04.02.19 to


Sixth Form Link Governor 

  • Employee of Greenwoods GRM LLP – supplier of legal services to PKAT
  • Malcolm and Pauline Day - Relatives who are members of Dayclean LLP
  • Secretary at Hampton Vale Allotment Association

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Willow Worthington

PKAT Appointed 4 years

01.09.2022 to 19.07.2023

Teaching Link Governor 

  • Staff at Longthorpe Pre-school
  • Management Committee Member at Longthorpe Pre-school

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Shaukat Reshi

Parent Governor

4 years

17.03.19 to



  • None

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Jeffrey Fillmore


PKAT Appointed

4 years

03.04.20 to




  • Senior Management in Royal Navy (Commissioned Officer)
  • Wife, Joanna Fillmore, is governor at Thorpe Primary School

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